Earhole Candy with Tom Miller
Soundscapes, music, mashups, poetry, ambience, backgrounds, residual room noise, traffic, electricity, buzz, scenes, echoes, memories, interjections, wind, distortions, and murmurs from the Known Center of the Universe, Gainesville, Florida. Recorded, produced and directed by Tom Miller.
Earhole Candy with Tom Miller
Earhole Candy with Tom Miller - Episode 6: Music for A. I. Not People or The Smelly Old Man and the Lobster
Tom Miller
Season 1
Episode 6
In order to stay relevant as artists, we must understand that we are about to be replaced by A.I. However, if we entertain A.I. instead of people, and with commercial art only they will appreciate, we have a chance of being relevant as Jesters in the new court of data processing and sentient neural networks. Therefore, I no longer intend to make art for people. This is the future. I have a place in the world, finally. Enjoy, my digital friends. If you'd like to see the video for this piece on YOUTUBE, click YOUTUBE! And please consider a modest contribution to my work as it relates to the end of the world here: paypal.me/MUDRSVP.
"Maybe if we were all naked, there wouldn't be any wars." - The Reverend Angeldust